Welcome! Thank you for your interest in martial arts

The Academy of Martial Arts for Self Realization is based on ancient traditional Eastern healing arts. Martial arts purifies the heart, calms and stills the mind and releases tensions of the body to the depths of the soul. Through spiritual intentions and connecting one’s spirit to divinity, we learn to let go in the practices and achieve meditative awareness as well as deep profound healing. We offer healing seminars focusing on the three meditative pillars of standing meditation, moving meditation and seated meditation. We concentrate on the ancient art of Qi Gong {energy practice} as the mother of all internal arts, giving life to the martial arts and connecting you to heaven and earth energies.
In the seminars, you learn how Qi Gong moves through Tai Chi, Hsing I, Ba Gua and Shaolin Kung Fu as a way of awakening and healing oneself deeply. Functional, practical and extremely powerful self defense techniques are taught as well. You also learn how the incredible power of Qi gong can then energize seated meditation techniques. Through concentrating your mind, breath, sexual energy and your energy body you can utilize these internal forces for incredible health and vitality! These arts are an enriching way to realize your full potential!
In the seminars, you learn how Qi Gong moves through Tai Chi, Hsing I, Ba Gua and Shaolin Kung Fu as a way of awakening and healing oneself deeply. Functional, practical and extremely powerful self defense techniques are taught as well. You also learn how the incredible power of Qi gong can then energize seated meditation techniques. Through concentrating your mind, breath, sexual energy and your energy body you can utilize these internal forces for incredible health and vitality! These arts are an enriching way to realize your full potential!
"Harmonization is God" ~ Yogananda
Join us to personally experience these beautiful traditional forms of moving prayer. Experience deep communion with divinity and learn how to connect with the tranquil peace, love and joy that is within and around you. Allow yourself to find your inner strength and learn true self defense techniques. Learn to harmonize your body, heart and mind to empower you for life’s diverse changes. Embody the joy of living, celebrating the life within you!
To my Beloved Teachers, whom I love and respect with all my heart and soul,
May I uphold your teachings and the sacred arts as you have done for me.
With loving gratitude and deep appreciation, may I always have a beginners mind and a humble heart.
To all my wonderful students whom are also my great teachers as well, love and gratitude.
I devotedly dedicate the merit and virtue of my practices to all beings everywhere.
Giuseppe Medlin
To my Beloved Teachers, whom I love and respect with all my heart and soul,
May I uphold your teachings and the sacred arts as you have done for me.
With loving gratitude and deep appreciation, may I always have a beginners mind and a humble heart.
To all my wonderful students whom are also my great teachers as well, love and gratitude.
I devotedly dedicate the merit and virtue of my practices to all beings everywhere.
Giuseppe Medlin